Certificate in Scoping

Posted by Scoping Made Affordable (SMA) on 1/18/10
Scoping Made Affordable (SMA)
Scoping Made Affordable has been training scopists
for a year and a half now and has seven graduates already
working and a new recent graduate. SMA is the only scoping
training program with an intern program.
Scoping is a career where you edit a court reporter’s
transcripts using a computer-assisted transcription (CAT)
program that enables you to move throughout the document
using shortcut keys or hyperkeys. This is a great
work-at-home job that is enjoyed but will also provide daily
SMA's focus is to make this training program affordable
for those who want to enter the scoping field. SMA offers
one of the most comprehensive training programs available
to make you a successful scopist. The training program can
be completed within two or three months while you work
another job or longer, because it is a self-paced program.
Conference calls are provided weekly and are a great way
to get familiar with the actual transcript
editing you will provide for court reporters.
The SMA staff is available to you throughout your
learning process and beyond because I have a genuine
interest in your success. SMA’s ultimate goal is to help
you become a successful scopist in the least amount of
time. This program is half the cost of many other
scoping programs. SMA feels that it is not necessary to have
a fancy display to train future scopists, thus saving you in
your career investment.
This is a career that you will truly enjoy. It decreases
stress and allows you to enjoy the many positive benefits
of working from home!! Scoping is a wide-open industry in
the United States because the number of court reporters
continues to grow and expects to grow by 25% by 2016.
Train during the winter and be ready in the spring/summer of
For more information contact me at sma@joyfulscoping.com
or go to www.joyfulscoping.com.