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    Legal Nurse Consultant

    Posted by Carla Bryant, RN on 8/24/09

    Registered Nurse/Legal Nurse Consultant with over 18 years
    hands on Clinical Experience. I am highly skilled and
    qualified to review your cases for Merit, saving you time
    and money.

    Medical Malpractice, Nursing Malpractice, Personal Injury,
    Toxic Tort, Product Liability, Negligence, Abuse, Criminal
    Cases, Worker's Compensation, Any Case where Health,
    Injury or Illness is an issue.

    Screen Case for Merit
    Assist in Obtaining Medical Records
    Interpret and Review Medical Records
    Identify Missing Documentation and Records
    Review of Records for Tampering
    Obtain and Review Policies and Proceedures from Hospitals
    Screen Records for Deviations of Standards of Care
    Analyze factors contributing to Alleged Injury or Damages
    Assess Alleged Damages or Injuries
    Prepare Reports, Organize Records
    Identify and Locate Expert Witnesses
    Assist with Interrogatories, Discovery and Depositions
    Consult with Healthcare Providers

    *Will act as an Expert Witness upon Request

    *What's the Difference in a Legal Nurse Consultant, and a

    LNCs have expertise in Nursing, Medicine and the
    Healthcare System.
    Paralegals are trained to mainly focus on legal aspects of
    a case.

    *Why an LNC instead of a Physician?

    An LNC will save you time and money.

    *Mission: To provide quality medical and healthcare
    analysis for my clients. To provide services beneficial to
    successful outcomes in medical and health related cases.
    To uphold the highest Standard of Ethics in my business.

    *Medical Ethics of Confidentiality Followed.

    *Contact me today for a free consultation. We will discuss
    your need, and how to assist you.

    DISCLAIMER: The scope of practice of the legal nurse
    consultant does not include the independent practice of
    law. The practice of the Legal Nurse Consultant is
    performed in collaboration with attorneys and other
    licensed professionals.

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