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    India’s no. 1 legal product base MLM Company for all categor

    Posted by bhuj on 9/15/12

    Many MLM companies are working in India some are product
    based, some computer education based and some insurance
    based {020830380LS}And even their education are designed in
    such a way that student prefer to go to other institutions.
    So I think these are not real MLM companies, they are just
    quick money schemes, only a few people generate money from
    them other felt cheated.

    Some companies are product based they boast of 70% return
    of middle man money which is wasted on advertisement,
    wholesale and retailer’s profit. But if you see their
    product price they are priced 700% higher than product
    available in market. There are some other companies which
    deal in insurance. Some companies deal in life insurance
    and some deals in general insurance, companies’ which deal
    general insurance are just befooling people because they
    charge 10 to 20 times extra for same policy which is
    available in market. But one companies like JMP INFOTECH
    doing good job in market in such companies if someone fail
    to grow network he has nothing to lose because he got worth
    for what he had paid.

    THINGS TO CONSIDER IN MLM 1. Credibility & Stability of the
    Company 2. Products (Valuable and useful) 3. Wealth plan 4.
    Professional Team support I find all above only in JMP

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