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    Contract /freelance paralegal

    Posted by PI--USA; Family Law--PA on 3/11/11

    Overworked attorneys, please allow me to ease your burden!
    I have a passion for perfection and guarantee a work-product
    that will make you proud. I work on a project or hourly
    basis for attorneys throughout the USA and also offer
    on-site services in the following PA counties: Luzerne,
    Lackawanna, Bradford & Wyoming. My goal is to provide
    exemplary service at a reasonable fee.

    Although my experience encompasses most aspects of
    Plaintiff PI, Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death and
    Survival Action litigation, and I am available to assist you
    in these matters on a case-to-case basis, I have a special
    talent for drafting detailed & creative "Recapitulations",
    Arbitration & Mediation Memoranda & brochures. My creations
    appeal to opposing counsel and adjusters because I humanize
    the injured parties, making their losses clearly understood
    and acutely felt, thereby increasing each claim's value,
    stimulating settlement and obviating the necessity of
    long-drawn out litigation, the goal of all Plaintiff attorneys!

    Further, my experience in PA Family Law is all-inclusive.
    By working at a boutique firm that attracted an affluent
    clientele w/substantial marital estates, I was afforded
    invaluable experience in a plethora of divorce, custody and
    support situations. My settlement proposals are known to
    bring cases to conclusion, my Property Settlement Agreements
    are air-tight, my Petitions for Special Relief are thorough
    and my Pre-Trial Statements have been complimented by many
    Masters. Of course, my hourly fee can be passed on to your
    client for reimbursement at a rate determined by you. You
    will most likely clear at least $75 per hour after paying me
    (plus have your own billable hourly fee for working on
    another case during that hour) and also have the benefit of
    my work-product, plus your client will be saving money, so
    it is a win-win situation!

    Most attorneys who are sole practitioners are so crazy-busy,
    struggling to meet deadlines and put out fires, that they
    have little time to think about how they can save money or
    make life easier. Give yourself a little gift today. Check
    out my website to learn more about me (profile & comments
    from long-time employer) and what I can do to increase the
    profitability of your firm, along with why so many attorneys
    are now using contract paralegals instead of employing a
    paralegal. It is an emerging trend that has caught on fire.

    Imagine having an extra 5 or 10 hours of free time each
    week! I can make it happen. Contact me and we will devise
    a plan to coincide with your needs. I look forward to
    hearing from you!.......Millie Tiffany

    highly skilled paralegal w/20+ years experience seeks contract work

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