Posted by Palmetto, FL on 2/08/12
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am a Paralegal with over 9 years experience in personal
injury, civil litigation, and criminal defense. I can work
a case from intake to trial, including multimedia trial
presentations and mediation presentations.
I have extensive training in demand preparation, complaint
and discovery preparation, deposition summaries, medical
record summaries and chronologies, as well as mediation
summaries and trial preparation.
I am available to you part time or as a contract hire.
I am able to work from home on your demand packages,
complaint packages, mediation summaries, deposition
summaries, and medical record summaries, and bill you
directly for the hours I worked on your projects.
This would save you the costly overhead of hiring another
staff member and would allow you to bill the cost to the
client as you would a court reporter or expert.
Please email me for a copy of my resume and references.
I look forward to hearing from you.