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    computer law; software law; malpractice; software contractin

    Posted by computer law on 1/09/07

    About Us
    Cem Kaner, J.D., Ph.D., is Professor of Computer Sciences
    at Florida Institute of Technology. He is also an
    attorney, licensed in California (he worked in Silicon
    Valley for 17 years before joining Florida Tech), with a
    practice focused on the safety and satisfaction of
    software customers and workers. Resume and Publications.
    Kaner has been actively involved in legislation affecting
    the law of software quality. He attended, as a
    participating observer, Drafting Committee meetings for
    Uniform Commercial Code Article 2B, the Uniform Computer
    Information Transactions Act, the Uniform Electronic
    Transactions Act, and the Revision for Article 2 of the
    Uniform Commercial Code. He was recently elected to the
    American Law Insitute. He has also served pro bono as a
    Deputy District Attorney, and as an investigator/mediator
    for a California county's Consumer Affairs Department.

    David Pels is a native Californian who grew up in Silicon
    Valley. He has worked in computer and software support and
    sales since 1981. His positions have included management
    of sales administration and customer operations (including
    product support) for a publisher of advanced automotive
    diagnostics; director of client support and services for a
    financial application publisher; group manager of product
    support for a large mass-market maker of computer
    peripherals and software applications; director of world
    wide client support and services for a maker of high end
    color copy, and printing systems; manager of product
    support for a mass-market productivity software publisher;
    supervisor of product support for a publisher of game and
    productivity/small business software; and retail sales of
    consumer electronics. Pels has attended several meetings
    of the Uniform Commercial Code Article 2B Drafting
    Committee. He is member of the Association of Support
    Professionals. He is also an active scout leader in the
    Boy Scouts of American and is a member of the National
    Eagle Scout Association.

    computer law

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