THE LAW STUDENT CHATBOARDS ARE DEDICATED TO LAW STUDENTS. Attorneys and legal professionals are invited to participate. No registration required to post - but if your post is abusive or vulgar, you will be banned.
Laypersons (the general public) may pose questions to this forum, as guests, keeping in mind the resource is dedicated specifically to Law Students.

Welcome to the Equal Rights Chatboard. This Law Students Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions related to issues involving Equal Protection as specified under the US Constitution.
Please bookmark this resource and contribute often!

Next latest posts on the Equal Rights Chatboard
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 9/30/09, by Shawn Jackson.
- BEAT AND ARRESTED BY DILLARDS, 9/29/09, by Shawn Jakson.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 9/29/09, by Shawn Jakson.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 9/29/09, by Shawn Jakson.
- Re: destiny and ryan, 9/12/09, by you are in wrong place.
- destiny and ryan, 9/11/09, by you no who we are.
- Re: DYFS, 8/11/09, by DYFS HATER.
- Dillards, 7/15/09, by Terry Hill.
- Can a foster parent sue DYFS?, 6/19/09, by anyone.
- Re: Sexual harrasement at the office, 5/06/09, by Vickie.
- Looking for help!!!!!!, 4/08/09, by Indiana.
- religious harressment, 3/26/09, by ingrid palmer.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 3/26/09, by ingrid palmer.
- Re: Discrimination, 1/26/09, by if trailer park guy divorces his wife, she still his sister?.
- Discrimination, 1/26/09, by can't say.
- Re: Dillard's lawsuits, 1/23/09, by Anyonoumous.
- Re: Neighbor Harrasement, 12/26/08, by --.
- Re: Neighbor Harrasement, 12/26/08, by ray smith.
- Is it a sin to do what we want to?, 12/11/08, by Mike.
- Re: DYFS, 11/30/08, by --.
- Re: DYFS, 11/30/08, by Does anyone know what this website is for?.
- Re: DYFS, 11/30/08, by Erwin L. Stull.
- Re: Children Kidnapped by local DFS - update, 10/08/08, by Tammy.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 9/29/08, by Gina white.
- Re: Dillard's Lawsuits, 9/20/08, by Bonnie Clyde.
- Re: Custody, 9/08/08, by --.
- Re: Custody, 9/08/08, by bet my trailer park is nice then yours.
- Custody, 9/08/08, by LORRIE M. WEAVER.
- Re: Dillard's Racial Discrimination towards Asians, 9/07/08, by Color Blind.
- Dillard's Racial Discrimination towards Asians, 9/05/08, by Shelley Lee.
- Re: Dillard's wants only men to manage mens dept????, 8/26/08, by jane doe.
- Re: Dillard's wants only men to manage mens dept????, 8/26/08, by jane doe.
- Re: Dillards, 8/23/08, by Who Knows.
- Re: How DYFS Neglects and Abuses WE children!, 8/15/08, by nikki.
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