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Welcome to the Products Liability Chatboard. This Practice Areas Chatboard
is dedicated to discussions of defective products and products liability. Apropriate discussions include elements of products liability and all aspects of litigation involving products liability.
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- type 1 diabetes and this prednisone , 2/07/15, by raquel.
- Re: spinal cord stimulator, 1/11/15, by billy.
- Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 12/23/14, by natalie suemori.
- Prednisone destroyed my hip, 10/28/14, by Donna Bollwark.
- prednisone use, 10/22/14, by natalie.
- Prednisone, 10/15/14, by kimberly teel.
- Re: Gorilla Ladder collapse, 9/19/14, by Valerie Marie Roach.
- Re: Gorilla Ladder collapse, 9/19/14, by Valerie Marie Roach.
- medtronic spine stim, 9/12/14, by clare.
- medtronic spine stim, 9/12/14, by clare.
- Re: additional injuries caused by spinal cord stimulator, 9/05/14, by Jennifer .
- Re: how to find a lawyer for the spinal cord stimulator, 7/31/14, by Levi L Evans.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/26/14, by Michelle Link.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/12/14, by Nicole Ottiano.
- Boston scientific stimulator problems, 5/04/14, by Kena Hartzog- Nelson.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 5/04/14, by Dawna W.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 4/28/14, by Dennis.
- bostin scientific spinal stimalator , 4/23/14, by mark drumheller.
- Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
- Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
- Re: class action lawsuit against the makers of Prednisone, 3/17/14, by Henry Walters.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 3/16/14, by Linda.
- Prednizone Class Action Lawsuit, 3/05/14, by R. Allen.
- avascular necrosis after prednisone, 2/13/14, by Belinda Langley.
- Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/04/14, by Jean .
- Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 2/04/14, by Jeanne .
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 2/04/14, by Gregory Osmond.
- Werner FS106 6' Fiberglass Ladder Failure, 2/01/14, by Jerry Heilman.
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 12/16/13, by ellie.
- Titanium screw in neck is broken, 12/03/13, by Janet Davis`.
- Re: Prednisone class action lawsuit, 11/06/13, by Noelle Cetta.
- Warner Steel LADDER # S 2208 Mark #5 2005, 10/03/13, by norm.
- prednisone damage, 9/12/13, by James Newell.
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