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    Post: BAPCPA

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 2/09/06

    Judge takes Congress to task in bankruptcy case

    Legal world abuzz about tirade calling act inane,

    By Robert Elder
    Monday, February 06, 2006

    FREDERICKSBURG — Alfonso Sosa, a house painter here who
    made about $20,000 last year, filed for bankruptcy the
    morning of Dec. 6, hoping to avoid the foreclosure on his
    family's mobile home scheduled for later that day. Judge
    Frank Monroe of Austin rejected the case 16 days later —
    with a bang.

    In his ruling, Monroe said the new federal bankruptcy law
    is full of traps for consumers, calling some of its
    provisions "inane," "absurd" and incomprehensible to "any
    rational human being."

    He stopped just short of accusing Congress of being
    bought and paid for, dryly noting, "Apparently, it is not
    the individual consumers of this country that make the
    donations to the members of Congress that allow them to be
    elected and re-elected and re-elected and re-elected."

    Ordinarily, a case such as the Sosas', which primarily
    concerns a mobile home and land valued at $32,840, would
    quietly disappear into court archives.

    But Monroe's order has caught fire in the world of
    bankruptcy and consumer law. It's being debated on law
    blogs and circulated across the country.

    Steve Jakubowski, a bankruptcy specialist in Chicago and
    creator of the Bankruptcy Litigation Blog, said Monroe's
    unusually strong language represents "the pot boiling
    over" in frustration at the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention
    and Consumer Protection Act, which took effect Oct.
    17. "It's the kind of thing people know but that you don't
    write down."

    The law makes it harder for individuals to qualify for
    Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which lets them erase much of their
    debt, and forces them to file for Chapter 13, which means
    they face longer court-ordered repayment plans. It also
    requires debtors to seek credit counseling before they

    Alfonso Sosa said he didn't know about the requirement, so
    he and his wife, Melba, didn't seek counseling. He said he
    was just trying to keep his house.

    Monroe's order said the law left him no choice but to
    disallow the Sosas' petition. He called the counseling
    requirement "one of the more absurd provisions of the new
    (bankruptcy) act."

    In an interview last week, Monroe said that if Congress
    really wanted to help debtors, it would have required
    rigorous credit counseling before they can emerge from

    Instead, the act requires a few hours of counseling before
    filing. "That serves no purpose," he said.

    "The people who need this type of relief aren't the type
    of people who have been counseling with lawyers, planning,
    making sure everything is right," Monroe said. "They've
    come to the end of their rope, and this is the only thing
    left to save their house, car, whatever."

    The Sosas, who have three children, ages 13, 12 and 1,
    haven't lost their home.

    Their lawyer, James Chapman of Fredericksburg, filed
    another petition Jan. 27. The Sosas completed credit
    counseling Dec. 16, and Chapman hopes to convince the
    court that they filed the second case "in good faith," as
    required by law, and should be allowed to pay off their
    debt through Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

    The new filing should delay the foreclosure auction of
    their home, which is scheduled for Tuesday on the
    Gillespie County Courthouse steps.

    Monroe isn't the first judge to tee off on the new
    bankruptcy law, which was a priority of President Bush and
    backed heavily by the credit industry. The industry argued
    that the old law made it too easy for borrowers to avoid
    paying debts and allowed frivolous filings.

    Congress passed the new law in April on largely partisan

    Credit card and other financial services companies had
    complained for years that their costs were increased by
    people who ran up debts knowing that they could file for
    bankruptcy and avoid repayment.

    Supporters argued that Americans would save money on
    interest rates because credit card companies would no
    longer have to increase their fees to recoup losses from
    people who abuse the process.

    Many bankruptcy lawyers, scholars and judges remain sore
    that Congress didn't listen to their warnings about the
    hardships the law would unfairly impose on people.

    Judge Robert Mark, the chief bankruptcy judge for the
    Southern District of Florida, said in an October opinion
    that reading "several hundred pages" of the new act
    brought him to one "inescapable" conclusion: "The new law
    is not a model of clarity."

    Houston-based Judge Marvin Isgur last fall called the
    act "particularly difficult to parse and, at worst,
    virtually incoherent."

    Monroe's order, though, is in a rebellious class all its

    Monroe, 61, has worked in bankruptcy his entire
    professional life, first at a prominent Houston bankruptcy
    firm and then on the bench since 1989.

    "I am an under-the-radar guy," said Monroe, exhibiting
    some discomfort with the attention his opinion has

    "If I was going to write it over with a less angry frame
    of mind, I'm sure I would tone down the rhetoric," he
    said. But, he added, "I just couldn't contain myself."

    The Sosas' financial situation is hardly remarkable.

    Alfonso Sosa says he had trouble making his $700-a-month
    mortgage payments because his painting business had slowed
    down. Last summer, he missed four payments in a row,
    prompting his lien holder, a Fredericksburg woman who sold
    him the trailer, to move for foreclosure.

    Sosa and his wife had other debts. Their new bankruptcy
    filing lists $8,935 that he owes a paint supply store and
    three recent county court-at-law judgments against him.
    One is for writing a bad check.

    By November, with debt piling up, Sosa says, he considered
    bankruptcy and thought he could roll his other major debt —
    the approximately $6,000 he owes on his 2000 Ford F-250
    truck — into a court-approved payment plan. "So I missed a
    few payments on the truck," he said.

    The dealership in San Antonio repossessed the truck last
    month after the third missed payment.

    Sosa says he didn't under- stand the foreclosure warnings
    sent to him by the lawyer for Reyna Garcia, who sold and
    financed the home. "I didn't know what the word meant," he
    said. "I thought it was another letter complaining (about
    missed payments) like the other ones they had sent me."

    Finally, Sosa says he didn't know that he and his wife
    needed to undergo credit counseling before filing for
    bankruptcy protection. He learned that as he filed Dec. 6.

    By Dec. 20, when they appeared before Monroe, the Sosas
    had completed their counseling. But only Alfonso Sosa's
    certificate had arrived.

    It hardly mattered. Because they did not request
    counseling before filing, Monroe wrote in his
    order, "Congress says they are ineligible for relief under
    the act."

    "Can any rational human being make a cogent argument that
    this makes any sense at all?" he wrote.

    Monroe's opinion inspired Austin lawyer Randy Howry,
    president of the Austin Bar Association, to send it to all
    3,700 members. He praised Monroe's order as "a reminder to
    us all that as lawyers and judges, we are the protectors
    of our democracy. . . . We must not sit idly by as our
    constitutional rights are being shredded."

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  • BAPCPA, 2/09/06, by Curmudgeon.

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