Post: Note-after-the-fact

Posted by Perplexed on 8/13/04
In Texas real estate law, is there recourse to the seller making a buyer sign a "note-after-the-fact'in conjuction signing refinance papers during closing. The situation: I refinanced a private mortgage so the seller could get paid. I did this so I could save nearly 3 per-cent interest. I was told by closing agent that if I did not sign the real estate lien note-(note-after-the-fact) that funding would not go through. I did so that loan would fund. Is this legal since I did not receive money for the 2d note? I felt that this was a confidence game put on me. Even the closing agent said the seller took a chance!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Note-after-the-fact, 8/13/04, by Perplexed.