Post: commerical grandfather clause

Posted by charlotte riley on 8/18/04
We have Purchased a building that carries a grandfather clause for paint and body. The current zoning is for automotive repair. We received our licence for both paint and body and auto repair 10 months ago. The building was empty when we bought it but the grandfather clause was still in effect. It had been rented prior to our purchase and was being used for paint and body. Here is the problem: Last week we recieved a call form the city zoning department who told us we were doing business illegally and could not do paint and body. They explained that the prior renter had filed a notice with the city when he move that he was no long doing paint and body and wanted the licence which ran from October to October to roll back one month to Sept to Sept. The property owner was never notified of this letter to the city which would decrease the value of his property if it was accepted and ran out. When we were issue our license the letter was, the city said, misfiled. The renter of property found our we are doing paint and body and contacted the city regarding the letter he filed. Now the we have a meeting with the city zoning tomorrow to find out what's happening with our licence. The city faxed us paperwork to filled out asking for permission to continue to work as paint and body. The paper for complience information will cost us about $25,000 in new city regulations not to mention the city will take 10 feet of frontal blvd property. The was we understand the grandfather clause is that as long as our business does one paint job a year we keep the grandfather in place. This was told to us by the city building and code supervisor when we bought the building. We have gone to great expense for equipment and advertising for both auto repair and paint and body and have now established a healthly customer base. The former renter has opened a new paint and body business and is very afraid of the compatition he is also very powerful in this city. If you only have to comply with one paint job a year how would it matter when he stopped painting as long as it was within the licensed year. Question, Can a renter roll back a license one month and can the city just do this with out notifing anyone. The realtor who represented the seller sold the property to us with the grandfather clause. We will fight this as we think this is illegal. If you can provide any zoing law prohibiting the please advise us. This kind of action by the zoning department could ruin a business that has already established itself under the license they issued. Thank you for you time. Charlotte Riley Bullhead City, Arizona
Posts on this thread, including this one
- commerical grandfather clause, 8/18/04, by charlotte riley.