Re: Attotney Coflict Of Interest
Posted by v on 10/07/04
On 10/06/04, Revelator wrote:
> I am on the verge of a chapter 11. The attorney for the bank first had a long conversation with me about bankruptcy. He eventually told me he had represented my bank in the past, but it had been some time. Then he suggested another attorney. Guess what, this guy now represents the bank. The bank is aware of my concern and is still using him. I believe he use the conversation and called the bank to get the case as well as influence his and the banks decisions to at least some degree. After my conversation with this attorney I was put into special assets even though I was not behind on any payments. I was on interest only payments by agreement and my P&Ls look terrible, but I can find not case where a client was put into special assets based on their P&Ls alone, (although I know legally they can do it). My attorney says it is too costly to pursue. I believe this is wrong and want someones opinion that deals more frequently with this subject. Any help would be appreciated, even if it’s to direct me to the right place. Thanks Revelator
Here be the right place. go to this link.
I tried the link myself. it worked. good luck!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Attotney Coflict Of Interest, 10/06/04, by Revelator.
- Re: Attotney Coflict Of Interest, 10/07/04, by v.