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    Re: should landlord compinsate

    Posted by Ozarks Lawyer on 10/06/04

    What law? We don't know what state you're in.

    Some state have a rent abatement theory which means you pay
    X in rent, which assumes market value. If the building is
    flawed in ways that bring it below market value, you are
    entitled to a partial refund because your rent should be
    lower for substandard conditions that were not considered
    when you signed the rental agreement.

    On 10/06/04, lynn wrote:
    > i have a store in a high rise apt. building and the land
    > lord has been renovating the lobby for the past month. in
    > the past month,the entire month he blocked off the inside
    > entrance to my store so that the people living in the
    > building must now walk all the way around the building
    > where it is not handycapp accessable. and my sale are down
    > 6000. by law should he compinsate me

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • should landlord compinsate, 10/06/04, by lynn.
  • Re: should landlord compinsate, 10/06/04, by Ozarks Lawyer.

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