Post: What rights do I have?

Posted by Toni on 12/05/04
I received a notice that the contractor who did work in my condo will be filing a Contractor's Lien. I have no idea what this is and what my rights are. He and I wrote a contract stating that it would cost approximately $2000 for him to sand, prime and paint kitchen walls; install a sub and wood floor into a ripped out old floor; install the kitchen cabinets and finishings. He stated that he would be charging by the hour. I hired him after also discussing that the closet on the opposite side of the kitchen was part of the agreement. He came and worked for three weeks and not much was getting completed. He started work later than he charged by the hour. He often lost tools which ate up time and he generally did not work with a plan of action which meant lots of time was wasted. He didn't complete one section of the kitchen that was ready to be put together. He even brought in an assistant who tried to make suggestion that he would not take. I spoke to him the first week, second and third about how I wanted to project to move forward and how I couldn't continue to pay if he wasn't completing any specific of the work. He would say "problems pop up" and "there is progress being made that I could not see." I had a relative watch him work and he told me this guy's method of thinking was all over the place. I paid him weekly. At the end of the third week when there was still so much to do -- I had put lot's of fire under him to focus and get sections completed but it wasn't coming together. At the end, I still have many aspects of the work to be done. He volunteered to leave. It has costs me over 1/2 of what I paid him to have handiman complete the work. I had paid him nearly the $2000, however, when he left my washer was broken, I had to pay a plumber for work he said he would do the first week. Walls that I had paid him to paint had to be re-drywalled because of plumbing and gas. I had to take down a cabinet because of how he had installed it too far above the microwave outlet. He also spliced wires which where not in code so, at a huge price, I had to pay an electrician to correct it. I didn't make the final payment to him because I was not satified with his work. He and I have written back and forth spelling out details and why I am withholding a portion of the final payment and why he think I should pay. What are my rights and recourse since he has sent to me a notice of contractor's lien? Thank you for any advice. I will also check with legal assistance in Chicago Illinois. Toni
Posts on this thread, including this one
- What rights do I have?, 12/05/04, by Toni.