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    Post: breach of contract/tort case advice....

    Posted by alison on 12/13/06

    So here is my problem. In april I found out I had to get
    rid of my english bulldog...she is perfect pedigree i was
    very picky about her when I got her and after a year I had
    to give her up. So I get this lady that calls about my ad
    saying she does this service which she has done three
    times before and that what she does is writes up a
    contract and she will breed sophie and pay me the price of
    two puppies expected to sell at 1500.00 each, or if she is
    unbreedable to begin with she will pay 2000.00 for her and
    pay us within 12 months she has 3 months left. so
    everything is legit and we sign on with her. to start out
    she bred sophie 3 months too early, sophie wasnt even two
    years old when she had the puppies. sophie had 8 puppies,
    one died because she didnt keep close enough watch and
    sophie sat on a puppy and it died from internal
    bleeding... When the puppies were selling we started
    asking when she would be able to pay us,she kept saying
    asap, asap, we started to get irritated because we couldnt
    get a hold of her for over a week and I had to call and
    pretend to be a buyer and sure enough 2 minutes later she
    called back. anyways we told her we felt ripped off at her
    not keeping us filled in and she mentions that she is
    keeping sophie when she originally said she was going to
    breed her once and have her live at a nursing home as a
    mascot and we thought that was really cool,but now she was
    going to keep her and we said "why so you can breed her
    again and make even more money when you havent even paid
    us yet" and she said "I had sophie spayed when the puppies
    were born" and we were like WHAT! so...she spayed our dog
    that she doesnt even own yet, plus she says she couldnt
    sell the dogs for 1500.00 and wants to pay us the average
    price that she could sell the dogs at.. and now she is
    refusing to give us records of how much she sold the
    puppies for and refusing to hand over the vet records, and
    it is in her contract that we are entitled to know of all
    transactions/progress at all times...i have seeked legal
    rep, but i would like to know everything i can charge her
    with....any advice would help! thanks so much sorry its so

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • breach of contract/tort case advice...., 12/13/06, by alison.

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