Post: statute of limitation, ticket for non-seatbelt

Posted by renee smith on 11/08/05
In 2002, the seat belt laws were just coming in force all over the U.S., my car had 4 seat belts, and I had an extra person that was 14 she was in the middle un unbelted. An officer pulled me over and cited me for her not wearing a seat belt. It's been 3 and 1/2 years since that. I know I paid it, but do not have proof. My husband had died and I remarried, and have lost some of my paper work. I just wondered if there was a statute of limitations on that. I just received a letter a week ago from a collection agency that it was turned over to, and they said I would either have my lisence suspended or revoked if not paid????? Can they do that? Is there a statute?....any help would be greatly appreciated........Renee
Posts on this thread, including this one
- statute of limitation, ticket for non-seatbelt, 11/08/05, by renee smith.