Post: Stolen Checks, breaking & entering--Virginia

Posted by Chris on 11/22/06
A friend has told me an interesting story: he was saying when he just turned 18, he went into a home of someone he barely knew and stole some checks. Then cashed them all over town for cash. From what i could hear, the checks were from a closed bank account. One of his friends called the guy that the checks were stolen from and charges were filed. The guy was saying he left the state and has never been back, been using a different name ever since. This was apparently 25 years ago! He then continued to say how he got away with this and how the statute of limitatins has ran out. He has not done anything wrong since, not even a speeding ticket! He doesn't sound happy about what he did, seems to just want to live a normal life. Have the limitations run out? What could these charges be? Burglary, theft, larceny? Would there be warrents still out after 25 years? Should I call the county where this happened and tell them I know where he is?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Stolen Checks, breaking & entering--Virginia, 11/22/06, by Chris.