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    Re: neighbor harassment

    Posted by v on 9/01/08

    Hi sarah! I live in joisey. It's a
    fairly recent law. But one that is
    taken seriously by the police.
    I've watched passing patrol cars
    check visable cameras people have
    on their houses. Just to make sure
    their in compliance. That's the
    street side. No cause to check
    backyards, unless they are givin
    one. Which sounds like that's
    what's needed. A police survay. To
    set, your neighbors straight. If
    it's a felony, they may be the
    losers in the end.

    Good luck!

    On 8/31/08, sarah wrote:
    > I live In New Hampshire and the
    law here states that parties
    > involved have to consent. I have
    in NO way consented to this.
    > I was told that they are
    invaiding my privacy by having
    > cameras focused on my home
    > On 8/29/08, v wrote:
    >> Sarah: Not in my state. It is
    now a felony to do what your
    >> neighbors are doing to you. You
    say they said this in court.
    >> So it must be ok there. The
    audio, now that's a little
    >> different. They could be afoul
    of the law there. Evesdroping
    >> is verbotin in most states,
    that i know of.
    >> On 8/29/08, Sarah wrote:
    >>> I have been in a 3 year
    neighbor dispute, the neighbors
    >>> have put up securtiy cameras
    and have the cameras focus on
    >>> my house which they fully
    admitted in court that we are
    >>> under 24/7 watch. they
    recently informed us in court that
    >>> they are now going to install
    audio. Is this something
    >>> they can do and get away
    with?? what are my privacy
    >>> rights? they are going to be
    easdropping on us every time
    >>> we are outside in our yard. if
    you are in a dispute can
    >>> they get away with this>?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • neighbor harassment, 8/29/08, by Sarah.
  • Re: neighbor harassment, 8/29/08, by v.
  • Re: neighbor harassment, 8/31/08, by sarah.
  • Re: neighbor harassment, 9/01/08, by v.
  • Re: neighbor harassment, 9/16/08, by heather.

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