Re: Denial of Due Process
Posted by redhorse on 12/28/03
On 10/11/03, DrTeacher wrote: > Hello - I am curious what the remedies are for denial of > due process. Procedures which are clearly laid down, being > totally ignored - substantial delays etc - someone please > give me some clues if this is the criminal law - what > remedies there are - how does one go about this - is this > Federal Court of Circuit court etc. Please post - thanks The first ten amendments to thw Costitution are a start to your rights.Dur Process..right to a fair trial etc. The Bill of Rights gives you certain rights and the 14th Amendment approximately says that any State Law must not be contrary or violate Federal Rights laws. The delays in prosecution are an old dodge and Prosecutors often cheat and then claim they are busy and some Judges buy that. I know of a misdeameanor investigation that took 17 months and it was clearly harrassment. Most State acotirs cant be sued but there are grounds to sue GOVERNMENT if their conduct exceeds their discretion they are not immune. It's a witches brew. Remember this PROSECUTORS ALMOST ALWAYS CHEAT POLICE OFTEN LIE Defense Counsel, with a few notable exceptions, frequently dont know their clients cases. It s a zoo out there. Semper Fi Tonto The truth is some State Statutes clearly lay out conduct for the Prosecutor. CECK YOU STATE STATUTES ON THE WEB Get a newspaper involved if you can find one with stones. See a good legal aid organization and sometimes the ACLU is useless unles its a major publicity grabber. Good Luck
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Denial of Due Process, 10/11/03, by DrTeacher.
- Re: Denial of Due Process, 10/11/03, by John S..
- Re: Denial of Due Process, 12/28/03, by redhorse.