Post: Violation of Probation

Posted by Nicole on 11/01/07
I am wondering what the normal punishments are for violating probation. Here is the boyfriend was on probation for underage drinking and possesion of cannabis. He served 20 days in weekends and was also put on probation. While on probation, he was arrested for driving on a revoked license and they found drug paraphinalia in the vehicle. He had court yesterday and was fined for the paraphinalia. They sentenced him to 270 days for the probation revocation and driving while license was revoked. This is only his 2nd time driving under his revoked license. The minimum is 10 days jail for driving on revoked license. Why is he getting such a long sentence just for the probation revocation when his original sentence for which he was under probation was 180?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Violation of Probation, 11/01/07, by Nicole.
- Re: Violation of Probation, 11/03/07, by Prairie Dawg.