Post: divorce/bank fraud during litigation
Posted by k broomall on 7/29/04
My fiance has been going through divorce 6 years. First
partial trial audio record tampered with (testimony missing
and out of order). In '99 real estte put in her name
because court appointed property manager did not pay
mortgages and foreclosure progressing. Evidence found to
be missing, but took court 1 year to award new trial, along
with approval of very large bank loan. 3 years later trial
finally occurred, bank comes to court trying to loan money
to woman. Rogue bank is First Southern Nationa Bank; they
admit they know property settlement pending, but since she
holds record title they still want to loan money. Couple
stuck at trial level while bank eats equity (she never
participated in real estate and has no knowledge of
I as fiance am suffering personal harrasment in form of
mentally disabled mother recently made ward of state
without trial or medical testimony; I have cared for her
since 1985.
Any Information on:
First Southern National Bank
Charles Johnson
Heide Engel
"Judge" Robert Overstreet
Similar "gaming" in court process, divorce or other;
harrassment by cabinet social workers.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- divorce/bank fraud during litigation, 7/29/04, by k broomall.