Re: cheated out of my own home
Posted by 00 on 3/22/05
I don't understand what you are trying to say. On 3/22/05, marc wrote: > my nephew did a home loan 4 me throw ----- capital so i > could pay of some deat and astablish good credit again > but by his own greed he put me in a loan of 14 percent and > of a early pay off of 24 months of intrence $66.000 dollars > tell me we would do a rapid rescore !!! it was bull shit he > blow me off becouse of the loan he put me in.He new the > hole time what he was doing !Come to find out he had forgde > my name on the loan docks, and there was no notary. But it > shows that there was, shouldnt there be a thumb print with > a signature. And how do i go about finding this notary and > what do i do???/ > In the mean time the bank is forcloseing on my house!My > payment went from $900 month to $3400 a > month! PLEASE HELP IF U CAN. > MARK I was just trying to do things the > right way insted a bk i paid off a $100.000 in det and this > is what it got me!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- cheated out of my own home, 3/22/05, by marc.
- Re: cheated out of my own home, 3/22/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: cheated out of my own home, 3/22/05, by 00.
- Re: cheated out of my own home, 3/22/05, by v.
- Re: cheated out of my own home"ohOh & V, 3/22/05, by roosta.
- Re: cheated out of my own home"ohOh & V, 3/22/05, by v.
- Re: cheated out of my own home"ohOh & V, 5/04/05, by Name not important .