Re: Get out of lease!!!
Posted by Don on 2/28/06
Sorry you can't get out of a lease because of your needs and
Just like M'sta said, pay your March rent and move out
Why are tenants always trying to trick the landlord or avoid
or skip payments? I just don't understand
On 2/28/06, M'sta Mikey wrote:
> On 2/18/06, Adam wrote:
>> I expressed a transfer/move out to the landlord on Jan.
>> 30th because my lease expires Feb. 28th, I was told that
>> I'd get a new apt. on Feb. 15th, I wanted it sooner they
>> moved it up to the 10th. Come Feb. 8th, I was told that I
>> couldn't move in until the 24th. I expressed I wanted to
>> move out w/ a friend, since I was promised an apt. but now
>> they want a 30 day notice before I can leave, the landlord
>> evades me by telling his acting manager to pay Mar. rent,
>> but I told them Jan. 30th I wanted to move out/transfer,
>> the landlord wants his Mar. rent. I did not turn in any
>> written paperwork saying I wanted a new apt or I was going
>> to move, I was under the impression that they took care of
>> that, they didn't, that was my fault. Is there anything I
>> can do?
> Read your lease! I betcha there is a clause in there stating
> that a 30-day notice to vacate must be received, IN WRITING.
> If it's not in writing, they don't have to honor your
> request. It's your word against the landlords.
> Put it in writing, pay March's rent, then move.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Get out of lease!!!, 2/18/06, by Adam.
- Re: Get out of lease!!!, 2/28/06, by M'sta Mikey.
- Re: Get out of lease!!!, 2/28/06, by Don.