Post: custody of teenager

Posted by didinadincolentina on 8/24/14
I am not an attorney but I am asking for suggestion (if possible)for humanitarian reasons. The action takes place in a Western European country ; 2parents separated when one child was 8 and the mother was pregnant with the second child .The father already had a girlfriend with whom he moved in when the second child reached 1 year; he never wanted her. After a protracted and hostile divorce ,the mother remained the custodian and the father paid on and off child support ;he and his family poisoned the older child against the mother ; now a young adult with psychotic episodes from time to time , he is as hostile against the father as he once was against the mother . The second child too started to talk against the mother in her early teens and now, still in high-school ,suddenly is requesting to move with the father ; more than that she ignores completely the mother.This child is also a high achiever, the best in her school . The mother never talked bad about the father in front of the children . More than that , asked if she would have aborted this child just to keep her marriage ,she answered without blinking:I would never exchange my princess for anybody.The country allows children older than 14 to decide with what parent to live.The mother is devastated . Any suggestions if possible, would be greatly appreciated.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- custody of teenager, 8/24/14, by didinadincolentina.