Post: Private Pratice

Posted by Chris on 3/23/07
Hello, I'm setting up a site for other lawyers to participate in as well and wondering if this is something that interests anyone. Basically the way it will work once its designed is people would visit the site wanting an answer to a legal question and would pose the question to one of the registered attorney profiles who have marked themselves as "available". The lawyer would then look at the question and reply back with a quote on how much it would cost the user for a legal statement on an answer. Once the customer agrees, the answer to their question is sent and you get paid full for your service. The customer would be charged a small fee for using the website service. Does this interest anyone? or have any ideas or opinions on this? Often I have found people that live in the US and want legal advice in Canada or vs. and this is a great way for people to get answer to questions if they are not in the country too. Thoughts?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Private Pratice, 3/23/07, by Chris.
- Re: Private Pratice, 6/05/07, by Shaun Setareh.
- Re: Private Pratice, 5/15/08, by JD Brabant.