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    Re: Mail Tampering/Theft using a child*Dawg*

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 9/19/07

    Dawg, we know why you don't practice family law.

    On 9/19/07, Nancy wrote:
    > I know that if someone takes mail out of your mail box, it
    > is considered a crime of either tampering or theft. BUT,
    > what if they get the mail by having a child take it from
    > the mailbox under duress? My ex had my daughter get mail
    > from my mailbox (yes, she lives with me) and when she told
    > him "No" he threatened her activities with him that
    > weekend. I called the Postal Investigator and they can't
    > help me, they suggested I get a PO box, which would entail
    > me driving 4 miles everyday just to get my mail. They
    > said because the child did it, they can't get in the
    > middle of it. I did call our local PD and I have to go in
    > and discuss it with an officer, they couldn't help me over
    > the phone. I guess my point is, that if he had made my
    > daughter steal something from a store, that would be a
    > crime, but this isn't??? Please let me know what you
    > think. Many thanks.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Mail Tampering/Theft using a child, 9/19/07, by Nancy.
  • Re: Mail Tampering/Theft using a child*Dawg*, 9/19/07, by Curmudgeon.

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