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    Post: Defamation of character and harrssment

    Posted by Jackie Adams Sr on 5/17/08

    I was envolved in a year long relationship with a violent
    woman. She got pregnant because she wasn`t going to let me
    leave her. She is a wonderful person on meds but, her
    grandmother ALWAYS convinces her that her prescribed meds
    are dangerous. She and I seen the same psychiatrist until
    her family convinced her it was wasting her time. I was
    the one going through hell because of this. I left her
    January 24, 2008 and she started lying about me attacking
    her(choking to be exact). The last night we were together
    she got the most vviolent ever. She clawed me, punched me,
    slapped me, threw heavy objects at me, threatened my life
    if I left or called the police, and hit me 3 times on the
    back of my head with a hammer handle. She was on her way
    to jail again until her grandmother showed up. She has
    pull in the police department, sheriff`s department,
    courts and with city hall. After her arrival, the officer
    dropped all knowledge of my report and let her leave with
    her grandmother. Before they left she called the officer
    downstairs and that`s when the lies began. She told him
    that I grabbed her by the throat, started choking her and
    that was why I was beat on and clawed up. She told him
    that she did it fighting me off of her. He examined her
    thoroughly inn bright light with his flashlight too and
    told her she was flat out lying! That`s when he got pissed
    and told her to go immediately or go to jail. She asked
    for some things in which he replied that she had exactly 5
    minutes and no more. He added that if she was even in the
    stairwell when the 5 minutes was up, she was defintely
    going to jail. I had to go to the ER the next morning
    because I was having severe blurred vision, a severe head
    ache, loss of balance, forgetfulness, etc. because she
    tried to crack my skull with that hammer handle.
    Afterwards, I went to the police station with the ER
    report to have her either arrested or put in a psyche
    hospital but, was met with hostility. I was told that
    because I would press charges the night before that they
    weren`t going to do anything about it. I had tried to have
    her arrested but the grandmother incident. So, I went to
    the sheriff`s department for some justice and was arrested
    for threatening an officer. This did not happen! I was
    explaining the situation when the sheriff came rushing
    into the lobby and pratically threw me to the ground. For
    no other reason than the fact that her grandmother worked
    there before and apparently made a phone call to her old
    boss about me. Anyway, I was only locked up for a few
    hours and then told to NOT show my face there again or the
    next time they might forget about me being in their jail.
    Since all of this my ex has slandered me all over the
    town, her family has done the same thing, her grandfather
    found out that I hadn`t registered my pick up yet or
    transferred the title over and filed for a lost title, got
    it and has been trying to take MY pick up away from me
    ever since. No! the law enforcement will not here my side
    or abide by the law and arrest him for defrauding the
    state and me by lying to get a title. I haven`t seen my
    son yet. He was born January 26, 2008 and I don`t know
    what he looks like. They are constantly having people call
    and leave threatening messages on their machine. The
    caller ID always conveniently shows an unknown caller. I
    haven`t been back to that town since I left her because I
    was warned that if I was seen by certain officers I would
    be arrested for felony trespassing on their property
    whether I was there or not. I just want justice. I want
    them to pay! I have been bleeding internally since all of
    this has started and may be hospitalized June 19, 2008 if
    thiings don`t start to improve with my health. I have lost
    over 60 pounds in less than 4 months because of all of the
    stress and worry caused from them and their lies. I want
    to be able to see my son as well as my family. I am going
    to loose my truck, over $1,500.00 worth of my things, my
    son, my sanity, my health, all because of vengful people
    taking revenge out on me for leaving my wife. I am not a
    violent person, I did not choke her, I have never touched
    her no matter what she did to me, I have been made out to
    be a evil physically abusive monster(it was seriously the
    other way around), have never been arrested for family
    violence or spousal abuse(she has), I have never been made
    to leave our house because of the fighting(she has), I am
    at the end of my life line here. No matter what I do, try
    to help out with getting the baby things or sending her
    money for him, they always return to sender or send it
    back to me. What do I do? How do I go about doing what
    needs to be done? Can I file on them in justice court? I
    just want fairness and, well honestly, a lot of cash
    payback. They have cost me almost 4 months of my son`s
    life from all of this and have you any precept to what
    it`s like to not know, see, hold, feed, play with, watch
    him sleep or even be able to sleep with your own child
    because revenge is top of the list? I have already lost a
    sson to murder July 5, 2003 and this is just like that all
    over again. I tried legal aid but, her grandmother had her
    apply for it, even though she already has an attorney, to
    keep me from being to get assisstance. I am on disability
    and had everthing worked out to get retrained and back to
    making real money when I had to hide my truck. Now I can`t
    get to school or get a job because I can`t use my own
    damned vehicle. Please help me with any and all you can.
    Thank you, Jackie Adams Sr.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Defamation of character and harrssment, 5/17/08, by Jackie Adams Sr.
  • Re: Defamation of character and harrssment, 5/18/08, by JP.
  • Re: Defamation of character and harrssment, 5/27/08, by jennylynn.
  • Re: Defamation of character and harrssment, 5/29/08, by ....

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