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    Post: Neighbors Tree a Nuisance

    Posted by in California on 3/14/07

    I have an ash tree that is causing a nuisance in my
    backyard. It's the neighbor's tree and it's dropping lots
    of seeds and just gunk all over my yard. The branches are
    so tall and definitely coming over the fence, in fact, a
    few more yards and it looks like it will be over my roof.
    I don't even want to think about what it's doing to my
    gutters. I contacted the neighbor, a retirement community.
    The manager came out to see it so she could talk with her
    manager. Then I get the response back that they don't
    think it's an "issue" right now and that once it becomes
    an issue in the future they will address it. I've
    explained to her that the tree is dropping lots of seeds
    throughout the year and just lots of other stuff,
    including leaves. The area on the other side of the fence
    is their parking lot and they've got 2 ash trees growing
    very close to each other. The second tree is small and is
    not a problem. So, last time I talked to her, I stated my
    case again, and she said she would talk to her boss again.
    So, I don't hear from her, and call/email. But, now I'm
    not getting any response back from her. Help! What should
    I do? Thanks in advance.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Neighbors Tree a Nuisance, 3/14/07, by in California.
  • Re: This forum is for law students. We cannot give advice. , 3/14/07, by Crown Prince.

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