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    Re: how do I sue my work comp lawyer

    Posted by Carol on 4/19/06

    On 4/19/06, yvonne wrote:
    > he has lied to me, refused to share my info with me, and I
    > have it in writing and I have had people sitting there when
    > he has done it. It has affected my treatment, my wellbeing,
    > and my case. What kind of lawyer do I get?
    You have what in writing? Did your lawyer put in writing
    that he lied to you? Many people blame their lawyers when
    they feel they haven't gotten what they're entitled to.
    That's not to say that there are not some bad lawyers out
    there, but be sure before you go off half-cocked that you
    have all the facts, you will have to prove them in court.
    Good luck finding a lawyer to sue another lawyer, same as
    finding a doctor to say another doctor committed
    malpractice. You may get sympathy here from other people who
    think they got the fuzzy end of the lollipop from their
    attorneys, but this is a chat board for attorneys so I don't
    think you'll get a whole lot from the rest of us. Contact a
    an attorney that specializes in malpractice, s/he will tell
    you if you have a winnable case.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • how do I sue my work comp lawyer, 4/19/06, by yvonne.
  • Re: how do I sue my work comp lawyer, 4/19/06, by Carol.

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