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    Post: Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!

    Posted by correnthia on 4/04/04

    I need help really bad on Wednesday the 31st of March I
    picked up a lease agreement from a trustee that represented
    a masonic lodge. The agreement was to be signed on 4-01-04.
    The gentleman told me to take it home and read it sign and
    return with deposit and first months rent. That night I had
    to go out of town and I called Another one of the members
    that were listed as a contact to let him know I was going
    out of town and that i could not get in touch with the man
    whom had given me the lease. I needed to know if due to the
    fact I couldnot move in on the 1st of April could I pay my
    deposit and move in on May the first.He said he'd let the
    other man know. Well on the 1st I returned that evening and
    called the original man to get confirmation and that he
    agreed. He said he got the message and that it would be
    okay, so I offered to bring the money there with the lease
    due to the fact it was the 1st.He said you can bring it
    Saturday I said are you sure he said yes. Well Saturday
    came I showed up with a showcase and my lease and
    deposit,that's when he told me someone else was looking at
    the building. I said to him well I have a lease here for
    this location and he said he did not know what to do the
    other trustees wanted a longer term and 50.00 more a month.
    I reminded him of the lease and he offered to by my
    showcase and let me keep it. I told him it was more than
    about a showcase I had changed adress and sent invitations
    out for grand opening. Then he told me well if your partner
    will agree to pay 900.00 that's deposit and the month of
    April call me back tonight let me know the decision and I
    will tear up the check for 300.00 to replace your case and
    let you have the building he said he felt bad. So I left
    very heavy in heart I called him back in 2hrs tops told him
    sir I have decided to take the building he said sorry i
    told the other man he could have it I was floored and i
    said thank you have a nice day we hung up. I called the
    other contact to get the name of the master of the lodge i
    got his number and called he called me back. I told him
    everything I just stated above he said he did not know any
    of this he was told last week a lady was going to get the
    building i said that wiuld be me. Well I told him I had a
    key for the po box had gotten the phones set up and i felt
    put aside for this insurance company not to mention i am a
    black woman which made me feel discriminated against
    something i have never felt before. He said he'd call me
    back and he'd go to bat for me after all I'd been through
    given the run around he put it. I received a call back
    stating that the original man had a signed lease on the
    other man as of Friday!!! I had just received my lease that
    Wednesday and told to bring it back that Saturday. I want
    them to answer to the law for this it has to be something I
    can do!

    Please help!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!, 4/04/04, by correnthia.
  • Re: Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!, 4/04/04, by roosta.

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