Re: Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!
Posted by roosta on 4/04/04
On 4/04/04, correnthia wrote: We all need to vent our frustrations sometimes. I can only assure you that a white, Mexican,German,Filipno,ect woman would feel discriminated had they gotten the deal you did. Matter of fact, tell your story to the next man you meet, (regardless of race) and ask what would he do?? Chances are he would be on his way to an attorneys office. And thats where you need to be too. Good Luck.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!, 4/04/04, by correnthia.
- Re: Non profit christian org. lease swindled from under me!, 4/04/04, by roosta.