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    Re: drug charges

    Posted by Curmudgeon on 10/10/06

    It's the person that commits the crime, not the name that is
    used. So now you're also looking at additional charges for
    false reporting to the police officer, possibly fraud on the
    bail agent, and who knows what else. Just make sure you
    never get arrested again and fingerprinted. Your a** will
    be sitting in jail for a long time because you're now a
    flight risk.

    On 10/10/06, enquireing minds want to know wrote:
    > I was looking for some info on a case. If a person is
    > arrested under an assumed name and charged with intent to
    > distribute to an undercover officer posted bail under the
    > assumed and never entered his own name do the charges
    > stick and is there a statue of limitation in which the DA
    > can file? Also if an arrest warrant was issued but no
    > charges brought under the rightfull name can the DA charge
    > the person without ever bringing the person to booking.If
    > the person is ever arrested what charges would be brought
    > up?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • drug charges, 10/10/06, by enquireing minds want to know.
  • Re: drug charges, 10/10/06, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: drug charges, 11/16/06, by detmorgan.

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