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    Post: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional

    Posted by George on 12/08/05

    I was reading a story about tipping and came
    across an interesting fact. Anti-tipping laws
    were declared unconstitutional in the same year
    that Congress passed the Volstead Act, 1919.

    Does anyone know the name of the case that
    declared anti-tipping laws unconstitutional?
    It is my opinion that since the IRS and federal
    regulations both state that a tip, among other
    things, is the right of a customer to determine
    who will be the recipient of his tip, that state
    laws which deprive customers of such rights
    would also be unconstitutional.

    State laws which allow employers to require tip
    pooling deprive customers of their right to
    determine who will be the recipient of their tip.
    If employers are allowed by state law to share
    the customers tip among other employees whom the
    customer had every right and ability to tip but
    didn't, I believe such laws are depriving
    customers of their constitutional right to tip.

    Any help on this issue would be appreciated by
    the myself and the millions of workers who receive

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/08/05, by George.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/09/05, by chewtoy.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/11/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/13/05, by George.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 12/13/05, by chewtoy.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 2/10/06, by Exiled says:.
  • Re: Anti-tipping laws unconstituional , 2/11/06, by heard.

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