Re: Salary Employee
Posted by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student) on 12/06/06
Cindy, How long have you work for this company? Have you completed the 6 months of continuous service? If your answer is "yes" you might entitle to medical leave depending at your employer compensation and benefits policies and procedures. Some employer require employees to contact them or call in for medical leave of absence and you must provide your supervisor with a physician's certificate indicating the need for a medical leave and the estimated duration. Check in with your HR they will explain it to you. Are you a exempt or nonexempt employee (not relate to you question)? Thanks On 12/05/06, Cindy wrote: > > > If you are a salary employee say the agreement was 500.00 > per week, can you be docked of any pay if you have to miss > a day of work for illness? > > If they can..... but they just dock you & no one else that > is salary is this legal? >
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Salary Employee, 12/05/06, by Cindy.
- Re: Salary Employee, 12/06/06, by Fanua SP. (SCUPS-Student).
- Re: Salary Employee, 12/06/06, by lawguy.