Post: CUSTODY/Paternity/Mother Denies Paternity
Posted by James Matt on 1/15/05
Court Ordered DNA test. Father and Mather both signed Acknowledgement of Paternity at time of birth. Same father's name stated on Birth Cert. Same father has insurance for child now year of age. Mother now contests paternity at conciliation conference. Father claiming she is prohibited under doctrine of equitiable estoppel. Yet judge put onus on father and orders blood test. Father objects to test and no concilation conference ever taken place after over 4 months now passed. Father wants desparately to be with his son.Father contends test is irrevalent and has always held out child as his son. What can father do to expedite getting court to allow him to be with or have his son with him?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- CUSTODY/Paternity/Mother Denies Paternity, 1/15/05, by James Matt.
- Re: CUSTODY/Paternity/Mother Denies Paternity, 1/15/05, by sharwinston.
- Re: CUSTODY/Paternity/Mother Denies Paternity, 1/15/05, by J. Matt.