Post: child support
Posted by kerri on 6/07/07
Hi , my husband has a 18 year old daughter who has not gone to school in 3 months.We have talked to the support person and he said we have to have proff she is not in school. My husband went to the last school we new of and they said she was active and attending but at another school so he went there and she has not been in school for 3 months but they can't give him a copy because the mother put dow he is not allowed. he has legal visitation and has always paid his support.we don't have the money for a lawyer and if we can't get records we can't prove it . the support person called the mother and she said she is attending a school that she has not attended in 1 year so she is lying and they wont even check and see. the support person said he has done enough work on this case and he was done. he has only made 2 phone calls . I am so mad this is not right please help us
Posts on this thread, including this one
- child support, 6/07/07, by kerri.
- Re: child support, 6/08/07, by ........