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    Re: 12.8 Percent Die In U.S. Civilian Hospitalsthe rest

    Posted by Animal Lover on 5/06/08

    On 4/24/08, One Better wrote:
    > On 4/18/08, P. Harvey wrote:
    >> On 4/10/08, Steve Blonske wrote:
    >>> If the Military had these problems; there would be
    >>> a lot of officers hanging in Leavenworth.
    >>> The linked thread identifies that the subject numbers
    >>> are associated to cases that may include complications.
    >>> ****However,.... All HMO's and Hospitals claim that "Any Case
    >>> Treated" may or will result in complications.****
    >>> Every patient who sees a civilian doctor in the U.S. must
    >>> sign a waiver acknowledging the risk of complications.
    >>> RATE.
    >>> Here's the Gilded Lilly Article:
    >>> Steve Blonske
    >>> GySgt USMC Ret.
    >> Hey Guy! You forgot to add up the rest of the numbers.
    >> 12.8 &37; is just deaths from doctors, PAs, and Nurses.
    >> You forgot that the total numbers in the article you
    >> linked equate to a 70 to 80 percent incidence rate of
    >> malpractice from all (as you said) civilian medical personnel.
    > Dudes! You both missed the biggest point that should be made.
    > 118 thousand deaths per year is more than:
    > a) The most firearms deaths at the Heyday of Gang and Militia
    > related violence per year.
    > b) The total suicides at their peak per year.
    > c) The most vehicle accident deaths during the peak of
    > the DWI-Drug Intoxicated rage per year
    > ***ALL TOTALED TOGETHER!!!!***
    > The only thing to exceed Malpractice related deaths in
    > U.S. History Are:
    > 1. The Influenza Epidemic of 1918.
    > 2. The Nazi Holocost of World War II.
    > 3. English extermination of Irish Catholics during the
    > many state induced famines.
    > 4. Pol-Pot's extermination of the literate population of
    > Cambodia.
    > States should be held liable for those medical personnel
    > who get away with death caused by malpractice.

    You all missed the major issue:

    The doctors and nurses involved Intentionally let
    those people die. In the days before HMO's that was
    called Manslaughter or Accessory to Manslaughter.

    Based on the numbers today it could be called
    "Murder to Conceal Fraud".

    If you check some of those cases you will find these
    circumstances seem to prevail:

    1. The dead patient's health insurance ran out exactly
    that day.

    2. The dead Patient's health insurance had less than
    $1,000 left to pay out.

    3. The dead patient's health insurance peaked out within
    10 days prior to the death but the life insurance paid
    the balance and the funeral costs to within $1,000 of the
    grand total.

    In 2001 The present administration in DC made it illegal
    for humans to see Veterinarians because People were being
    cured/healed/repaired effectively at an economic cost.

    It's all money to these guys. So take it away from them.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • 12.8 Percent Die In U.S. Civilian Hospitals, 4/10/08, by Steve Blonske.
  • Re: 12.8 Percent Die In U.S. Civilian Hospitalsthe rest , 4/18/08, by P. Harvey.
  • Re: 12.8 Percent Die In U.S. Civilian Hospitalsthe rest , 4/24/08, by One Better.
  • Re: 12.8 Percent Die In U.S. Civilian Hospitalsthe rest , 5/06/08, by Animal Lover.

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