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    Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??

    Posted by David on 11/02/04

    On 11/01/04, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    > I just told the lady what to do: lock the batard out and get her
    > a man to be her "enforcer" if the batard came back and would not
    > leave. No law in the world is going to let some rotten son of a
    > butch abuse a woman. Listen to me gal, not these other
    > advisers. Better still, Call Bryan in Manhattan and talk to
    > him. He's the New York lawyer.
    > Good luck!
    > HMP
    > On 11/01/04, K wrote:
    >> On 11/01/04, David wrote:
    >>> On 10/31/04, Lisa Campbell wrote:
    >>>> I was looking through the internet for a answer and I saw
    >>>> this. Hope I am in the right spot. I have a friend who has
    >>>> been living in my house for 5 months. He has a serious
    >>>> drinking problem I thought he was over with but he apprently
    >>>> is not. He comes in the house drunk at least 2 times a week
    >>>> acting crazy and mentally abusive. And I have called the
    >>>> cops at least 5 times to get him out. The police say since
    >>>> he has been in my house for five months I just can't kick
    >>>> him out. Now he doesn't pay rent but gives me some money
    >>>> for food. We have nothing in writing. He is just a old
    >>>> friend I was helping until he found a place to live. The
    >>>> police say I can't just kick him out. He has been found
    >>>> laying on the streets twice and the cops keep bringing him
    >>>> back here. He lost his keys so he no longer can come in and
    >>>> out as he pleases. I live in suffolk county in NY state in a
    >>>> very expensive neighborhood. Where if were to pay rent it
    >>>> would be at least 4,000 a month to have full access to a
    >>>> house. He might give me a eight of that for food. Please
    >>>> tell me if there is anyway I can get him out of the house
    >>>> without getting the sheriff and starting eviction
    >>>> proceedings? Thank you.
    >>> You neen to check the laws in your state. In some
    >>> jurisdictions you can not just simply kick one out after you
    >>> have allowed them to set up residence. Even if there is no
    >>> contract and they do not pay rent.
    >>> If this is the case use the eviction procedure in your
    >>> jurisdiction. Since he is a mentally abusive drunk you will
    >>> have no problem.
    >> David is correct. In my state, if someone has resided in your
    >> dwelling no matter the circumstances for at least 30 days, by
    >> law you must have them evicted. That entails going to the
    >> police department or sheriff's office and filling out an
    >> eviction notice. Once they are served, they have 10 days to
    >> vacate the premises (in my state). If they do not vacate w/in
    >> that time period, you would have to file for an Affidavit for
    >> a Warrant and then they would have to pay a cash bond for
    >> Refusal to Vacate. However, during the eviction period you
    >> cannot remove any of their property, etc. You could be
    >> prosecuted for that. Good luck and have him evicted. Easiest
    >> way to go about it.
    >> By the way, Mr Hardy, your comment about the law being to lazy
    >> just goes to show your ignorence. This is a civil matter in
    >> most states and can only be handled thusly.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • How do I get a friend out of my house??, 10/31/04, by Lisa Campbell.
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 10/31/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by David.
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by K.
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/01/04, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/02/04, by David.
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/02/04, by David.
  • Re: How do I get a friend out of my house??, 11/06/04, by Ruskiegirl.

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