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    Re: Expunged Record... really expunged?

    Posted by kcm on 10/03/07

    Expungement really varies from state to state by law. Some
    states report the case to the criminal databank even before
    the case is settled by the court. Once the case is reported,
    the record will become public somehow no matter if it is
    expunged or not. You can spend $10 to register in and run a crimininal background check on you
    own, you will be surprised to find some records out there. Or
    you can spend a little bit more money to run a thorough
    background check including FBI and other agencies through your
    state criminal record custodian to make sure what is listed
    out there. I am wondering if you were convicted by the court
    or were settled by a pretrial diversion or something else. I
    guess since you have the non-disclosure, most likely you were
    settled with a pretrial diversion.

    On 10/02/07, CT wrote:
    > I just got denined from a Major company because of my
    > background check. They hired a 3rd party company who has a
    > connection with FBI. my record came back with my record and
    > the Non-Disclosure that i got from the court.
    > I searching for legal advise and see if there is anything
    > that I can do to clean up my record that FBI have which a
    > Shoplifting under $100.
    > PLease advise!!!
    > On 6/25/06, Mark wrote:
    >> I received all paperwork from the court saying my record
    > was
    >> sealed. I am applying for jobs from major companies which
    >> are not headquartered in my state. Do more companies use
    >> outsourcing or 3rd parties for background checks? What are
    >> the odds that they will still find this record from older
    >> data and it doesnt say it is expunged?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Expunged Record... really expunged? , 6/25/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 6/27/06, by Prairie Dawg.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 6/28/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 10/02/07, by CT.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 10/03/07, by kcm.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 10/05/07, by CT.
  • Re: Expunged Record... really expunged? , 10/05/07, by kcm.

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