Re: Tampering with Mail-Is throwing away mail, tampering?
Posted by Frank B. on 10/13/06
I've been Googling "illegal throw away mail" and similar expressions trying to find out if it is, in fact, illegal to throw away mail sent to someone else -- e.g., typically, when someone moves and mail is still received by new occupants at the old address. This query regarding car tags is the only thing I've been able to find. I live in a house of 15 people where people move out every few years, and we forward their mail for six months. However, we have assumed that it is not illegal to throw this mail away, particularly not after six months. Is it illegal to throw away such mail? Or, if so, is there a time period after which it is not illegal? Certainly it seems odd that some other person would be legally responsible for someone's mail at an old address of theirs in perpetuity. Nonetheless, I've been told by one of my housemates that it is illegal to throw away such mail in Ireland, and so that's why I'm asking. I live in Illinois, in case that makes a difference. Thanks very much, Frank