Re: ALU School of Law - The Wrong Choice, Big Mistake
Posted by Isaias on 6/01/11
I want to add a comment to this thread buit first must disclose that I work as an Admissions Supervisor at ALU. I don't get paid acording to how many students I apply and am free to be completeley honest. This gives me some insight which I hope is helpful. I disagree with your comments about ALU for the following reasons: 1. In ALU's 15 year history, 110 leople have graduated and passed the California Bar exam. This is about a third of their overall graduates. 2. How is it that these students pass and others didn't? It's because some students make studying Law a top priority in their lives, after work and family, others squander many hours a week watching tv, on facebook, hanging out with friends and basically, squeezing Law School in wherever they can. This is a recipe for failure. Traditional Law School students live and breathe the law and if they don't, they flunk out of law school and end up at home, where they can watch all the TV they like. 3. Regardless of intelligence, Law School is simply not for everyone. It is mostly for people that excel in language and communication skills. 4. To succeed in Law School, you must have very good to excellent analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and reading comprehension skills. Some highly intelligent people struggle in one or more of these areas. I can tell you whether or not you will succeed in ours or any law school has more to do with how much of your life you are willing to change to be a serious law student. Some people assume that anybody with an undergraduate degree can pass the bar and that just isn't true. In other cases, some very capable students simply have poor study habits and the discipline required to succeed in an online school. The bottom line is that you shouldn't move on to page two if you haven't mastered and understanding of page one, even if you have to read it over and over. Hard Work pays off and adhering to these principles can make a lawyer out of you.
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