Post: Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia

Posted by Brina on 4/04/06
I recently was caught with a pound of Marjunia. I was in Pennsylvania outside of Philadelphia. I was pulled over by two DEA agents they pulled me over stating that I did not signal when changing lanes. They searched my car and found the drugs and I was arrested I was never read my meranda rights. I have no idea what I am facing I am out on R O R right now. If you can give me an idea of what I might be looking at I would appreciate it. I do have priors from years before but not for drugs.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Brina.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 4/04/06, by Bob R/CA.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 3/06/08, by KEIMISHIA COFIELD.
- Re: Possesion of Pound of Marjunia, 5/01/08, by TexasLEO.