Re: Driver Responsibility Assessment
Posted by Pissed Off OutOfState Driver on 1/07/10
Ditto to all 3 of you.
I'm so pissed off by this. I just recd a speeding ticket -my first one
ever! I was keeping up with traffic and was going to plead not guilty
but b/c I live in CT (2hrs away from the county in which I would have to
go to court) I decided to plead guilty (b/c on the ticket the fee for
speeding IS NOT even listed!
If I had known it would have been $300 for speeding, I would have maybe
just took the day off from work to fight it. But, b/c I already plead
guilty, I just paid the darn thing.
Then, lo and behold a week or 2 later- I get yet another FINE on top of
a FINE to pay $300 DRA - what the (beep). I'm so pissed off! I sure
would have went to fight this thing for $600!!!
I'm a very responsible community member who is usually all-good with
laws for treating ciminals a lesson, but my God, really!? I am thinking
of not paying the DRA since I don't live in NY, but I do drive in and
through there at least twice a year. So, now I'm afraid of getting
pulled over and taxed w/ another fine. I guess I'll just have to use
public transportation, or let someone else drive when I'm in NY for now
on, eh? -So sad!
On 11/16/09, another bitter out of state driver wrote:
> On 4/02/09, Falcon wrote:
>> I was also caught by this ridiculous law and refuse to pay the fee for
>> this driver assessment. This was not only my first offense ever (I am
>> an out of state driver (Massachusetts) with a still clean drivers
>> license (no points on my license from an out of state violation)) but
>> happened in small town when it was dark out and where the speed limit
>> is very poorly posted (what does a speed zone mean to an out of state
>> driver?) So the fee is so I don't offend again? Well, I'm not going to
>> driving in the state ever again so they cant force me to pay the 300
>> dollars without having informed me of anything previously. I would be
>> more then willing to take part in anything targeted at shutting down
>> this law.
>> On 3/22/09, Simi72 wrote:
>>> I too am from out of state and feel that this is extortion. I
>>> would be more than happy to get involved with fighting this.
>>> Especially with times as they are I know that I can't afford to
>>> pay $550 for a license I dont even have (meaning my NY
>>> license..I'm from georgia though...)
> Add me to the list of out of state drivers caught in this tax-on-a tax
> nonsense. How is there any sort of fair notice to out of state drivers?
> I would have returned to fight the ticket if i had known about this